Tax Care Solutions is an Accounting Firm founded by a former IRS agent, so we understand the value of getting your taxes done right the first time. We also use better technology to streamline processes, providing real-time actionable data, building solid foundations for better financial and fiscal strategies.
Over 35 years of experience in the Tax and Accounting Industries
Over 800 filings per year
Former IRS agent with particular attention to detail.
Tax Care Solutions has been providing Accounting and Tax Filing services since 2001, with over 22 years of experience and over 800 filings per year, we combine Novohit ERP Software and IRS expertise to improve the fiscal strength of your organization.
Tax Care Solutions provides accounting, tax file services across the United States to individuals, non profits and mid-size businesses.
We keep it simple, but every cent counts.
We prepare healthy fiscal strategies
We use Novohit® to provide a comprehensive ERP, the best alternative for mid-size businesses
We fix today's issues with a long-term view
We embrace technology and pay attention to details. That’s why they call us “Tax Surgeons”